A Decent Land: Molecule #01

Comments from The Immaculate Lab on the nature of rare elemental discoveries.

Lee David Tyrrell
2 min readDec 19, 2022

This is part of a spinoff, based on a larger work; A Decent Land. For more, see this full list, or start from the very beginning!

01. Beveron (Bv)

Atomic Number: 216 Atomic Weight: 312

Beveron was first discovered beneath the oceans of Ūdan-III. Hoarded by the mermaids and their kin, this magnificent substance holds a perpetual liquid state; regardless of its temperature. We use it as a solar lubricant, whenever a star is in our proximity.

The brutish working classes were responsible for quite a discovery; Beveron is prized as a rare, fluid delicacy. It’s said to taste metallic, with an undertone of caramel. Several trials are currently running to test its long-term effects.

Great streams of Beveron flowed freely upon the surface of Ūdan. We manufacture it, with samples extracted from mermaid scales.

This is an experimental side-project, connected to A Decent Land. If you’d like to explore the world further, click the links below!



Lee David Tyrrell

Fiction writer, mostly attracted to sci-fi and strange, experimental tangents. I’ve also worked as a music journalist for Clash, eGigs, eFestivals & C64 Audio.